Thursday, January 2, 2014

365 days project complete

                                                         (Copyright Tony Wright."Tony's 365 days")     

 The ending of 2012 I decided to do a 365 photography project about my life  the next month.This journey was for me to find out how good I'm and what I can created. I was ready and waiting for 2013 to come my way. However, bad things in my life happened.Therefore, I decided it would be to much work and time,"I didn't feel like doing it anymore." Until, I witness a friend of mine and his 365 days project on flickr. He was diagnosed with cancer during the ending part of his 365 days project. But he mange to finish by showing his journey through photography. Without notice it hit me, "365 days are pieces of your life" photography at it best. Well I hope you enjoy my 365 days project it's been a great year. here's a link to my flickr

yeah I will do it again sometime.

                                            (Copyright Tony Wright."Tony's 365 days")